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Choosing the right book

Choosing the Right Book: A Guide for Book Lovers

Reading is the most competent activity that engages many youngsters, older and all kinds of people. There are different kinds of readers worldwide: self-professed book lovers, educational book lovers, and more. Whether you want to relax, learn something new, escape reality, or pass the time.

In addition, books can also help you achieve your goals. That's why choosing the right book is an important task. We can understand there are a lot of books out there in the market, and that’s why it is challenging to choose the right book for your mood.

However, you don’t need to worry because we have created a guide to help you choose the right book to read on an online book depot. Let your inner instinct dance with choosing the good books to read.

Powerful Strategies on Choosing the right book to read

Children who choose their own books have an early advantage. It helps them make independent choices, develop literacy likes and dislikes and understand their own reading ability. Explore different independent strategies for children on how to choose books to read.

Children who have opportunities to choose their own books have an early advantage. It helps them:

  • make independent choices
  • develop literacy preferences
  • understand their own reading ability
  • choose books for specific needs

Training students on how to choose books to read independently, the sooner they will recognize their reading preferences. As they get older, they will have strategies to determine the best material for their own academic endeavors.

Children may pick books that are too hard or too easy but this is part of the process of choosing the right book. They won’t understand their own reading preferences and ability until they choose books like The Great Alchemist That they can’t read or don’t want to read. Very young children will not choose books to read independently but they can start the process from an early age.

1. How to Choose Books to Read

The first step is to find out what your students enjoy reading. Let them loose in your classroom or school library where you can get school books to see what they choose for themselves. You may be surprised by the choices they make.

Have a quick chat to discover their thought process. You may find you have a class of fantasy lovers or ones who enjoy nonfiction. 

  • Did they pick the book from the cover (more on that below)
  • Have they read it before?
  • Did they pick up any book because they felt overwhelmed by the task?

2. Using the Front Cover and the Blurb

Do your students look at the front cover when making book choices?

Give them time to explore books in your classroom or school library. Ask them to choose a book just from the front cover. What book covers interest them? Colorful, bold, realistic, fantasy, muted, animals, people, etc.

Choosing the right book is important so if the children have chosen a book by the cover, teach them about the benefits of a book blurb. Even though the blurb on a picture book or an easy reader is small, there will be enough information for them to make an initial decision.

Does the book still interest them? If so, get them to explore random pages to further gauge their interest.

3. Exploring the self Interests

Choosing the right book and Exploring books opens up discussions about a child’s interests. If a book doesn’t represent a child’s preferred genre(s) they will be less inclined to choose it. They will be more motivated if the topic is something they enjoy.

Ask your students questions for inspiration and help them narrow down their interests. Here are a few examples: 

  • Do they like scary or funny books? 
  • Who is your favorite character or author?
  • Do they enjoy fiction or nonfiction?
  • What kind of movies and TV shows do you like to watch?
  • What type of books don’t you like?

4. Find a Book Series to Follow

Another great strategy for choosing the right book is to find a book series students can get invested in. They will enjoy following the same characters through different adventures and benefit from knowing the book is a good fit.

The problem arises when they finish the series and find it hard to move on. Do some research of your own on different series of books so you have suggestions to offer. Some authors write more than one series which will help children move from one series to another.

Being unable to move from one series to another is a phase for some children. A book series can be like a comfort blanket, especially if they are struggling to integrate new reading strategies.

Different Types of Books

All books are classified as either fiction or nonfiction. Within these two types of books, you’ll find dozens of more specific types, or genres.

Non-fiction Books

Nonfiction books contain factual information, such as biographies and history books.

Examples of nonfiction books include:

  • Most biographies are nonfiction. We say "most" biographies, because a biography of a fictional character is really a fictional book.
  • The Diary of Anne Frank is nonfiction and a journal, making it a nonfiction journal.
  • Most Dictionaries and encyclopedias are nonfiction because they contain facts about words.

Fiction Books

Fiction books contain a story that the author made up, such as romance or children's books. The most commonly read works are works of fiction. Perhaps some of their elements are based on hints of truth, but they have been elaborated, fabricated, and used to embellish into a new story.


In summary, selecting the perfect book to match your mood involves being attentive and purposeful in your reading selections. By recognizing your current emotional state, exploring diverse genres, reviewing feedback and suggestions, perusing bookshops and libraries, taking your reading surroundings into account, and relying on your instincts, so choosing the right book resonates with you and enriches your reading journey.

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